

If you are looking for something to add to an empty hallway, or a small narrow hallway I have the perfect prop for halloween. What I call the flying head prop is an ages old prop that is always effective. It consists of a head or large spider or whatever you choose that travels on a piece of fishing line. When your victims come down a dark hallway a head comes flying at them. It seems extremely simple, which it is but works everytime. I like to attach a small pulley at each end of the hallway. Then run you fishing line around both pulleys and tie the ends to create a continuous loop. This allows you to reel it back to the start point after each trip. Then I attach another piece of fishing line to the head and attach it to a stick or anything easy to hold onto. Try to run it high enough on the other end so that it won't get tangled on any of your victims. I like to build a false wall on the other end of the hallway so that someone can stand behind it and work the prop. I cut holes in my walls on both ends so that the head comes out of the wall travels down the hallway and disappears into the other hallway. A good way to enhance the effect is tie pieces of fishing line of different lengths to the head so that they hit your victims on it's way over their heads. Try to place the head high enough so that it won't hit anyone in the face. There are several ways to work off of this prop. You can cover the ceiling and walls with cobwebs and use a large spider instead of a head. Just be creative and use some imagination and this will be one of the simplest and most effective Halloween Props.

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