
Masks, Prosthetics or Makeup?

I have always strived to find a medium that looks good is comfortable and convenient. Back in the day you either wore a mask or makeup. My biggest problem with masks is finding one that looks good and fits right. Usually a mask will be too big, or the eyes holes will not be aligned with your eyes. Masks are also extremely hot to wear for long periods of time. You will also spend alot of money buying high quality masks. On the other hand a good mask will last you for many years, and they don't require any preparation time. You can just slip a mask on and off when you need to.
Makeup on the other hand requires some prep time to apply. Depending on the type of makeup you apply or how complex it could take several hours to get it all on. The hardest part with using makeup aside from time is keeping it from smearing or running off from sweat. If you do a good job makeup can be extremely effective and cheap. The best time to buy makeup is right after halloween. I usually go to Walmart after halloween and buy it on clearance. You can usually find everything for a dollar or less. My favorite is always going to be Latex Prosthetic apllications. The application just glues to your face with adhesive. The neat thing with latex prosthetics is they bend with you facial expressions. You have full freedom to move you mouth and face. I have been using prosthetics for about four years now. They look like part of your face when applied right. They are fairly cheap and can be applied in about twenty minutes time. You can purchase them from several sites on the internet. If you can find one that suits your needs you can buy all of the components seperate such as noses, ears chins and scars. I highly recommend every one to try them. Whichever method you choose just remember to pick the one that looks best and fits within your budget.

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